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Steps for updating your databases

Step 3 (of 3)

There has been a change of technology inside EPLAN regarding the Parts, Translation and Project Management databases.

Each database can now be configured to an EPLAN Internal .DB database.

You still have the possibility of using Microsoft SQL server databases if you wish.

The install guide contains the information on the Parts database update.


  Translation (from Access to Internal) or (from SQL to Internal)

  Translation (from SQL to SQL)

  Project Management database


Translation (from Access to Internal) or (from SQL to Internal)

If you utilise the Microsoft Access translation database in version 2.9, you will be required to export the dictionary and import into the 2024 setup.

If you use Microsoft SQL and wish to move to the new internal, the steps are the same for migrating over.

In version 2.9 and earlier, go to


In the Management tab, select Extra’s > Export.

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Ensure you highlight all languages to export complete data.

Create an XML file.

During the installation of 2024, the software will have created a new translation database and referenced automatically. The data can now be transferred into the new dictionary.

In 2024, Ribbon Tools tab, Dictionary

Select Extra’s > Import

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Select the previously exported XML file.

Select the Source Language (en_US English US)

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Select OK.

You may have a dialog for words already contained in the dictionary. Decide which action to take.


Translation (from SQL to SQL)

If you utilise the Microsoft SQL translation database in version 2.9, and you wish to migrate update to 2024, you will simply reference the original SQL in Platform 2024.

In version 2.9 and earlier, go to


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Select into the SQL Server Details

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Take a reference of the SQL server instance and the database name.

Close the dialog boxes.

In Platform 2024, go to

Tools > Dictionary

Select the SQL Radio button, then into the details.

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Mimic the details you require from 2.9 and the Platform 2024 will connect to the SQL.

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Select OK, there is no need for updates or imports.


Project Management database

If you utilise the Project Management database in version 2.9, there is no requirement to export or import data.

Internal Database

If you wish to use the New Internal System, go to

File > Project Management.

The database is already connected, a dialog will request permission to upload the default project directory into the database.

Select Yes

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Once completed, the project management will open.

If you wish to add any extra directories, go to Extra’s Load Directory. Choose a folder to load.

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SQL Database

In version 2.9 and earlier.

Go To

Options > Settings > User > Management > Project Management Database

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Take note of the SQL database

In Platform 2024.

Go To

File > Settings > User > Management > Project Management Database

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Mimic the SQL Database. Select OK

File > Project Management.

If you wish to add any extra directories, go to Extra’s Load Directory. Choose a folder to load.

Do you still have more questions? Visit the EPLAN Information Portal for more information including help documents and tech tips on the installation of the software and more.